Thursday, November 06, 2008

The conquered!

He has no choice for himself and he cannot hold his energy to fight anymore. Whenever he thinks he's got the power to fight they put him to discharge it in empty space then he's tired again.
Everybody has the right to miss his life and guide him to a certain direction and he has to deal with his frustration and mental suffering. Actually, there are choices for him but they are limited in ending his trips and killing his ambitions. His braveness can only be used to decide a new loss for himself and it goes this way until he lose everything. He is lowering all the time the ceiling of his life but it doesn't seem to be enough. He cannot live in peace anymore and the peaceful life is too far to be achieved. Does he want to fight again? and for what? but if he wants to fight again, Is it possible?

Dignity sometimes kills and that's clearly the end of the conquered!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Obama ben Laden

Maybe this now put up together Obama& Osama. I'm really amazed from the scale of the American elections and the campaigns which involves very funny theatric performing like "Yes we can" and about Change. Well Obama kept saying change that I thought he is involved in money change business and he made a good advertisement for some others .. See the picture.

I'm happy for the Africans... Maybe they take it more like regaining of pride and dignity from their history with American human cargo dealers. I know they don't hope much but at least they expect a sincere help whatever the value of it. They may hope that America will move to help'em even if they do not have oil or diamond.

It's going to be clear after few months what he really meant about the CHANGE.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The end of ignorant politicians!

Well my friend George you are entering the history from its shity door.
You've contributed in all types of crisises, whether political or economical, and poverty is spreading like fire in woods. Congratulations for being a brand in problems making and being the blessed who converts the gold into sand. The whole world is holding their breath waiting for your last two months... what the hell could happen more than that. I believe in you and I believe you still have more to do, you are really talent and your place with Hollywood clowns is reserved.

Now I make my word to the people... the habitants of the planet, after the world economical crisis you should understand it's not any more the time to vote for an ignorant politician to lead your countries. From now on you should understand that, for your good living you must make the choice on a certain basis.
First of all the politicians must have a good level of education preferably in economy, international law and management. Second important issue is the mental health and the controlled ambitions of the politician. Anyway, there should be a list!

Gordon Brown the British prime minister was loudly criticized for his political performance but now after he was the initiator of the counter plan for the economical crisis, people started to see a good view of him. Now USA and all Europe is basically following Gordon Brown plan, they do not follow Sarkozy or other ambitious politicians.

The ambitions of the politicians are mainly for personal achievements, they might lie to cover their mistakes regardless the consequences. Therefore, the most dangerous politician is the ignorant one... Even if they are surrounded by the experts in all fields they affect the decisions by their ignorance and demoralize the experts in that sense.

I would say maybe it isn't the end of America but the end of the American dream.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Only One!

When you discover that you are totally alone just remember The Merciful!
God is supporting who seeks his support, for sure that needs that you deeply believe in it.
Yes, it is painful when you find no one you can trust and talk to with open heart. What can you do?
Feelings like that would kill you if you don't seek the support from God.

Sometimes you feel you've been wronged or mistreated or misunderstood or maybe you only feel so and the people around you are not the ones you may trust, for whom else you will discharge your load and seek help?
Even you may find people you thought they are in your side smiling at you in your weak moments from whom you get power to overcome all that?

Seeking the forgiveness from God is the key for all doors, you will always need that key.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Defensive or Offensive

One Taiwanese guy asked me so early why you are so defensive... The question was a bit strange to me because I thought the guy knew me lately and even the time he made that comment it was in response to one of my requests to stick to the original plan so I didn't understand why I'm so defensive. Well, this is not my point here but I want to explain why any person can be defensive or offensive.

I think when you feel you are alone your behavior will be somehow defensive... you start building scenarios in your head about what the others expect from you and why you didn't do this and that and you might defend yourself even without anybody ask you to do so.
The defensive behavior might catch even a group of people or even a nation like the current situation of Arabs and Muslims. You need to remember that your enemies want you to be going in your defending circles.

Now about the offensive term, it's very easy to deduce when anybody's behavior may be offensive... of course it's the power. When a person or a group of people is powerful immediately you find their offensive attitude when you touch any of their properties or when you try to win your rights which is somehow linked to their properties. That offensive way varies from a very soft offensive power to a very hard one.

On a person level, the offensive attitude is needed along with the defensive one but only need to balance the two and minimize the use of both. Even I feel sorry for those who's nothing to do unless defending themselves maybe because I'm one of them the same time I feel sick from being weak and self-exhausting in no sense.

I'm only worried that it easily turns to be a sickness on both offensive or defensive.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Are you grownup yet?

Many adults are not yet grownup even they look like that. You might think that you are a grownup while you are really not!
How to test that? and how to be sure about it? Well, many funny answers might come to your mind but believe me I don't mean to be funny. Let me make it this way... I'll ask questions in two ways and you will understand what I'm trying to do.

Group 1:
- Are you a grownup because you do not cry?
- Are you a grownup because you look tough?
- Are you a grownup because you've a girlfriend?
- Are you a grownup because you're serious all the time?
- Are you a grownup because you're a father?!
- Are you a grownup because of your white hair?
- Are you a grownup because your friends are strong grownup?
- Are you a grownup because you've a job?

Group 2:
- You cry, are you a grownup?
- You look weak& lonely, are you a grownup?
- You are joking all the time, are you a grownup?
- You've no kids, are you a grownup?
- You look young, are you a grownup?
- Your friends are poor& weak, are you a grownup?
- You've no job, are you a grown up?

I guess you understand my point. There's nothing says you are a grownup and there is no such an easy test to know it... Only life experience may show it a little bit... Still you might be a grownup in some situations but not in all situations. There are many puppets all around never been tested and they lived their life thinking by the way their master dictating' em. They might look tough, old and serious but in fact they are so fragile. My advice to all puppets, be so careful and do not underestimate the others because your master do that.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Vladimir Rasputin

Well it's not a typing mistake but I really think that Vladimir Putin is now taking the role of Grigori Rasputin in the old time of the Russian empire. The power game is taking those politicians and they cannot leave it after they are fond of it. Is it an eastern virus? since we don't see much of that in the west. In the west they see the power is also in the business& money world and those who understood it well they even believe that the politicians are rather poorful (sometimes stupidful) than being powerful. But the eastern virus is simply infecting leaders once their asses touch the chair of power. Even the eastern people believe much in the inspired leader so the virus is also having a reverse cycle.
Do you know what? because I came from the east I believe that Putin should still be in power because I much believe in the conspiracy theory and I believe that Russia will collapse w/o a strong leader. Maybe I'm infected but I want to say that the whole world cannot bare a total collapse of Russia because simply then the little balance what we still have here won't last. And I'm sure that if that happens China will benefit from that more than USA so we may fall again in another cold war between the Asian giant and uncle Sam Libermann.

Forget and Forgive!

This might be my strategy in the near future.
It's not for them it's for myself... I'll try to forgive myself for what I did to myself. Maybe also forget and forgive what people did to me just to clean my internal walls to paint it for a new trial.
In the same time I'm not expecting any reward from anybody, I'm only waiting the reward from myself to myself. And I here want to mention to many guys who thought themselves smart on me just enjoy yourselves because I also like to make people happy and be in humble. I found the sweetness of being in humble and I'll never let it go. And for those who might be ashamed of themselves for what they did to me, I want to say that please be careful with other people and learn the lesson!
For those nasty guys who enjoyed in a sadistic way making me and maybe others suffering, I may forget it all but please don't show up if you have any sense of honor. Maybe I'll make it easy for you by going away but just give me the chance for making it in peace!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Solutions For The Future (3)

Just to add some insights on the DH topic without being misunderstood of making a scientific article. About the high temperature system (110/90 or 90/70) and the use of a low temperature scheme (50/30).
In the current operation of high temperature DH systems the return line (70-90C) can be used in heating houses at a relatively lower temperature scheme. Of course these houses heating system needs to be designed on that basis. In addition, another possibility of combining the system for individual group of houses with a ground heat pump may be thought of to cover the peaks for the domestic hot water. The integration of that is expected to be energy efficient. In Finland cooling is not needed for a common residential building (no glass facades) but with the climate change they might need to simply pass the fresh air over the heat pump evaporator and deliver the fresh air mechanically. The cost is not big for having extra openings, a suitable duct work plus a fan. The extracted energy in that case won't be of a big concern but more the aim is to utilize the existing machinery. The delivered heating energy is the crucial task and the covered/demand needs to be 100% guaranteed.

Next time let's talk more about ground source heat pump :)

Monday, April 14, 2008


Toomas Tiikma was a special man full of great manners. Yesterday, I knew that he passed away more than 3 years ago. July 2004 I sent him last mail asking how is it going? he answered wishing me the best in my new job… I thought he’s busy and I got busy myself after that, but it was always in my mind that he’s there and I’ll visit him someday(maybe I needed to apply for visa).

Yesterday I don’t know how I ended up looking TTU, (thermal engineering dept.) webpage… I didn’t find Tiikma’s name in the personnel list and by searching on net I found that he died 12.09.2004.

Professor Tiikma was a different kind of people... he was a genius scientist but very modest. He was a very respectable man and full of kindness. What I can say... I really lost my Estonian father. I’ll pray for him and I’ll miss him.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Do you feel you are smarter than your friends?

My answer to the above question was NO.
Because I have no friends :)
But in general I really don't believe that I'm smarter than anybody because this cannot be generalized. I might be smarter in a certain thing and they might be in others.

Back to my friends, it's really bad thing when you realize that you have no friends maybe I have couple of them but they are quite far and busy in life. Good friends are important but you never find them that easy... You might get shocked when you find the people you thought they are friends or colleagues have been simply doing their job nothing more!

The person is called a good friend if and only if he always goes in parallel to you and you never intersect with him. You might get near just for critical points but always come back to the previous offset line.

What I want to say is that, in lifetime we may meet the good friends but most probably we may not so try to build your resistance to the so-called friends because their troubles are much more than their benefits.

Monday, March 24, 2008


If we think the Iraqi case as a business project and that the project started since the decision been made by George Bush to invade Iraq to end Saddam Hussein regime.

Let's put it this way:

  • George Bush is the project manager.
  • The target is to extend the American power and secure oil resources .
  • The time frame is as soon as possible.
  • Personal objectives for Bush is to be the most powerful man in the world and go a step forward in the American empire dreams maybe fixing his father mistake in the second gulf war.
  • The profit is expected to be a lot!
Now I'll jump directly to the output after 5-years and I do not get into any philosophic analysis:

  • 1 -2 Millions Iraqi populations between killed or injured
  • Announced figure by the US army 4000 soldier killed and tens of thousands wounded.
  • American economy is on a critical path.
  • Oil price is breaking records everyday.
  • American army image is deteriorated.
  • American army couldn't get any stability on ground maybe little bit in the green area in Bagdad.
  • Iraq reconstruction is too far to start.
  • American soldiers suicide rates increases.
  • Deck Cheney did not dare to go for elections :)
  • America only scares Arab presidents and kings. (see Russian politics)
  • Europe is wasting power to cover America's ASS.
  • Israel is very ugly... sooner or later coming to its normal end.
Well, I still can give you more ... I'm so sorry for the Iraqi people and If you leave it to me, I'll say: Mr. George Bush you are fired (Is it too much polite?)... because the project was a disaster, it was your idea and your grave and maybe the American power grave as well.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Solutions for the future (2)

Still about DH, It came to my mind that I might get that simple answer about the piping lifetime and after the fossil fuel depletion we just abandon the use of the network which should be then near the lifetime end.
Well, what I'm sure about is that the networks in different cities are renewed almost every year with tens of kilometers of new piping. For example, the available annual reports on net for "Helsingin Energia" showing the amounts of added networks and the renovated parts.
From these reports, Helsinki network in the year 2001 was renewed by 22.1km of piping plus the expanding of the network. And from Helsingin Energia annual report 2004, the total length of the new district heating pipelines constructed during the review year was 14.4 km. A 7-km section of the district heating network was renovated and modified. The total length of the district heating network was 1,218 km at the end of the year. In addition, HelenDistrictHeat had a 6.6-km district cooling pipeline constructed for HelenCooling (I couldn't find the report of 2007 on net for more upto date information).

So, in the same network we'll have a combination of different lifetime. The question is, if the decision been taken already by replacing the DH central systems by electrical radiators at the heated space when should we stop renovating the networks and stations? if not, what's the plan after the price of fossil fuels is not economical?

In general, the fossil fuels depletion and the time just before the depletion won't be that easy!
Imagine the price of the last 100 barrels or maybe bottles of oil. What will happen if new discoveries of oil appeared in some place?

Anyway, away from that future jungle I think in countries like Finland they do not go after these fights and I know that they prefer to find a solution for themselves and it might be beneficial for others.

I hope they have the solution already!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Solutions for the future

District heating systems after the depletion of fossil fuels, Studies predict that there will be a very difficult transition period after the depletion of fossil fuels in the whole world. In each country or region the case will differ in prioritizing the consumption and employing the other resources of energy. Energy sources in Finland as follows: oil 25.0 %, coal 16.0%, natural gas 11%, nuclear power 16%, Renewable 22% (hydropower 2 %, wood and black liquors 19.2 %, etc.), peat 7 %, imported electricity 1 % and other sources of energy 2 %. Energy consumption in Finland as follows: (49 %) is consumed by the industry, 22 % is used in space heating, 18% in traffic and 11 % in households, agriculture, etc. The electrical power future seems to be going towards mainly nuclear power plants and that might end the engagement between heat and electricity?!

What would be the future of the district heating systems? These systems are relying mainly on fossil fuels. In some applications in Europe the biomass plants, geothermal heat pumps (Southampton city is a good example) are used in the heat supply for these systems but not on a wide scale. The geothermal energy is restricted in Finland due to the geological conditions and of course the biomass plants won’t cover the heating load. In the other hand it’s not economical to use electricity as the heat source of these huge systems. Energy conservation is not only giving us more time but it’ll be by law and order in the after fossil fuels. In order to rescue the huge networks from being useless after the depletion of fossil fuels, my idea is to pursue studies: on running the networks under low temperatures schemes by burning alternative fuels (renewable) and do the main heating at the sub stations by the use of electrical heaters (according to consumption) or even in the heated space by using fan-coil units/ radiators with additional electrical heater. Visible efficiencies, keeping the use of water in heating and reducing the losses in main networks, minimizing the use of electrical power in heating and letting the consumer manages his own consumption in a time the price of electricity will increase dramatically.

I think also, in the near future we need to stop these district heating networks from expanding and start applying new systems for new constructions. My idea in new constructions is also to pursue studies: on running central systems for each block of flats or in maximum for a group of blocks. Burning alternative fuels is not possible in this case for environmental reasons BUT a central heat pump systems (such as VRV systems) or electrical boilers. The investments in these new systems could be given to the construction company as usual OR as a new idea to the telecommunication companies so, the customer (consumer) gets internet, mobile phone, TV cable and heating services from the same provider as a package J

Finally, as I mentioned earlier that energy conversation will be by law and order, my idea is to study the average use per person which is fair enough for living standards versus the energy resources when minimizing the use of nuclear power in Finland. And based on that study we let the consumer manage his own usage (essential & entertainment) with a monthly limit of electrical power.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

I'm the muslim man

I was going to make the title I'm the Clansman, the famous Iron maiden song and start speaking about freedom and the land. At that moment I remembered a much greater value I already have and I wrote I'm the Muslim man.
For those who do not know, Islam is a religion... Islam is an identity... Islam is a nationality... Islam is a way of living... Islam is a law& justice... Islam is mercy... Islam is a system... Islam is a light... Islam is the message... Islam is the peace... Islam is the way... Islam is the solution.

I can keep going like this and I'll always find a new description which will never be enough to describe Islam. These words are not written by a fanatic believe it or not I'm just a common Muslim and this is the little of the Islamic power. I consider myself lucky, to be a Muslim and I feel sorry for non-Muslims.

Specifically for my case, I live as a foreigner in a non-Muslim country... they do implement Islam in their systems and I feel many of them could be better Muslims than many Muslims in Muslim countries. Of course, they have also a lot of negative things and a lot of contradictions but that’s also everywhere.
But I want to talk about myself and what Islam do to me in my living there:
- Islam asks me to respect the country where I'm living even if they do not respect me.
- Islam is my doctor and same time is my medicine.
- Islam is my only friend when I do not have any.
- Islam is my way of thinking or that what I try to do.
- Islam is my freedom on any land.
- Islam is my guide.
- Islam is my bodyguard.
- Islam is my solution for any problem.
- Islam is my nationality.

I feel sad when I lose a chance in life but I feel more sad when I do something violates the Islamic rules and that happen sometimes when life takes me but as soon as I regret it and ask forgiveness I try as much as I can.. to avoid doing the same mistakes.

I swear it's the solution!