Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Solutions for the future

District heating systems after the depletion of fossil fuels, Studies predict that there will be a very difficult transition period after the depletion of fossil fuels in the whole world. In each country or region the case will differ in prioritizing the consumption and employing the other resources of energy. Energy sources in Finland as follows: oil 25.0 %, coal 16.0%, natural gas 11%, nuclear power 16%, Renewable 22% (hydropower 2 %, wood and black liquors 19.2 %, etc.), peat 7 %, imported electricity 1 % and other sources of energy 2 %. Energy consumption in Finland as follows: (49 %) is consumed by the industry, 22 % is used in space heating, 18% in traffic and 11 % in households, agriculture, etc. The electrical power future seems to be going towards mainly nuclear power plants and that might end the engagement between heat and electricity?!

What would be the future of the district heating systems? These systems are relying mainly on fossil fuels. In some applications in Europe the biomass plants, geothermal heat pumps (Southampton city is a good example) are used in the heat supply for these systems but not on a wide scale. The geothermal energy is restricted in Finland due to the geological conditions and of course the biomass plants won’t cover the heating load. In the other hand it’s not economical to use electricity as the heat source of these huge systems. Energy conservation is not only giving us more time but it’ll be by law and order in the after fossil fuels. In order to rescue the huge networks from being useless after the depletion of fossil fuels, my idea is to pursue studies: on running the networks under low temperatures schemes by burning alternative fuels (renewable) and do the main heating at the sub stations by the use of electrical heaters (according to consumption) or even in the heated space by using fan-coil units/ radiators with additional electrical heater. Visible efficiencies, keeping the use of water in heating and reducing the losses in main networks, minimizing the use of electrical power in heating and letting the consumer manages his own consumption in a time the price of electricity will increase dramatically.

I think also, in the near future we need to stop these district heating networks from expanding and start applying new systems for new constructions. My idea in new constructions is also to pursue studies: on running central systems for each block of flats or in maximum for a group of blocks. Burning alternative fuels is not possible in this case for environmental reasons BUT a central heat pump systems (such as VRV systems) or electrical boilers. The investments in these new systems could be given to the construction company as usual OR as a new idea to the telecommunication companies so, the customer (consumer) gets internet, mobile phone, TV cable and heating services from the same provider as a package J

Finally, as I mentioned earlier that energy conversation will be by law and order, my idea is to study the average use per person which is fair enough for living standards versus the energy resources when minimizing the use of nuclear power in Finland. And based on that study we let the consumer manage his own usage (essential & entertainment) with a monthly limit of electrical power.

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